Jazmin Playtis

Equine Photography

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Client Login

Client Registration

Not having an account

  • Public show access 
  • View your cart from a single device.  Your cart information linked to your browser cookie.
  • And finally at no time do we ask or handle credit card information on our website. 

Having an account

  • Private session access 
  • View your cart from any device.  Your cart information linked to your account not device.
  • Save for Later feature to help flag photos as your browsing to review later. 
  • Purchase history 
  • Photo re-downloads! 
  • Edit/ delete your account information, provide only what you want to.
  • And finally at no time do we ask or handle credit card information on our website. 

Not having an account

Your information is important, we’ve outlines short & long term data, including whats shared in our collections and Portrait sessions.  Here you have access to those tools to request information, and request information be deleted.

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